Welcome To My Mog House

This is my diary of my adventures in Vana'diel. This diary will change as my adventures changes. Sit back, read and enjoy.

All comments, tips and advice will be appreciated


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moving Along... Start of More End Game

2 Days Worth:
Day 1
I get on to check on game and get last of OPs for Windy. I was a bit bored so I decided to start Windy Missions so I can get back home. As I was going to start, girl in my linkshell, Kerikris, asked if I wanted to join them for Assault. I have never done an assault mission before. It's very new to me. So I joined them in Whitegate. As I was heading to Halvung Staging my system locked on me. So I had to restart. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. No one is being very forthcoming with instructions. All I was told to do was nuke. So I did best as I could. I did cause an aggro when I thru a invisible spell up which caused 4 deaths. But we kept on going in our weakened state. Time was running out so I converted & chainspelled but we still lost. My first time & I got 100 Assault points out of it. I'll try it again.
Day 2
I get on to do Missions for Windy. I start the very first mission. I'm in E Sarutabaruta looking for Inner Horruto Ruins. I'm trapesing all over the place, couldn't find entrance. My friend Thesage came to help me find the entrance. I follow him in. He went about his business of fighting in E Sarta. He was looking for a special belt. So I do my mission. On the way back to Windy, my brother Kirinkage decides he's going to switch nations to Windy too.
So I help him around & get him started. I even helped him with the first mission. We then succeeded in attaining Rank 2 together. Yeah boy!!! Lol. After that we both decided to logoff the game.
As far as getting OPs for Windy, I'm pretty much up there. I have gotten a lot of OPs. There were only 2 this week. Derfland & Li'Telor. They both were pretty easy to get.

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