Welcome To My Mog House

This is my diary of my adventures in Vana'diel. This diary will change as my adventures changes. Sit back, read and enjoy.

All comments, tips and advice will be appreciated


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lip Service

Played: 4 hrs or so I get on to play THF/DNC so I can get THF to 15 and to get crystals to trade in for Rank Points. I was in E. Ronf. killing when Titen sends me a tell. He asked to join me. I said sure. I was heading to W. Ronf. anyway. He met up with me in W Ronf. He invited me to his party. Then we learned a lesson. Level Sync has a minimum level. The lowest level you can sync to is 10. Oh well, I am 9 with my THF. I kill without getting exp. Then Titen says he'll be right back. I said ok. I continue to fight. I get exp now because he's in another zone. Yes! He then disbands the party. Oh well. I continue to kill, kill, kill. Titen logs back in under his mule, Shortyrockrock. He is now convincing me to party with my RDM. I hold out for a while. Because I'm not making any progress with THF, I decided to join. Also I want to increase my sword skill. It's horrible that it is so low for my level. It was a mere 83. It should be around 100 or around there. I give into his demand. I decided to choco to Jeuno to meet him. As I started the choco ride, my game actually got frozen. I had to restart my game console. I log back in and I was still on my chocobo. I get to Jeuno, he tells me to meet at the Shitadel. I said okay. He then tells me to get to Sauramonge Champaign from Battalia. Told him he was too late, I was already in Jeuno. I choco it to the Shitadel. I don't know how to get there. I send him a tell. Instead of answering my question, he gives me lip about I shoulda did this, I shoulda did that. I told him if he doesn't just give me the damn directions, whether it was South East or South West, I was heading back to Jeuno. Then he finally tells me. Retard. Of course, during battle, he's still fussing at me about doing this and that. I told him to let me do my thang and to leave me be. I was enfeebling and using my sword. I was doing very well. During battle, my new friend, Sbrightblade, started a convo with me. I talk to him between battles. Then Shorty died when a beetle killed him that spawned by him. After an hour or so, the PLD leaves, then a DD, then the WHM. Kirinkage replaced the PLD. Shorty got another WHM and WAR. This new party line up was a bit annoying. The WHM wasn't healing well so I had to back up heal while I was doing my thing. Then the WAR pulled too damned fast. He said he was teaching us how to do skill & exp chains. Well alrighty then. No one died, so we were all good. I had to leave it was 1:27 am. Time for me to go beddie by. In the party awhole, I level twice to new level of 39 and my sword skill rose to 96. All in all,it was a good night. And I didn't even use an exp ring. Photobucket Night Night, I'm going to bed now.

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