Welcome To My Mog House

This is my diary of my adventures in Vana'diel. This diary will change as my adventures changes. Sit back, read and enjoy.

All comments, tips and advice will be appreciated


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Summoning Powers Activate

So after sleeping late and diddle dallying around the house, I decided to see what I can get into on game. Was going to see if any low level parties was taking place. If there wasn't any, then I was going to get my earring from yesterdays ZM mission and do the next one. I figured I'd get tge Abyssal earring since it at least have 2 stats I can use.

I said hello to linkshell and asked what folks were doing. I was already on SMN when I logged in. Houshisama said he was in Qufim doing Trio party, level 24. I asked if My SMN could join. They said sure.

I op to Qufim immediately and joined the party. It was Solesiren as PLD, Frizzlefry as WHM/SMN, Houshisama as WAR/NIN. Frizzle left to change to BST/NIN. We had a powerleveler, Kirinkage. Sole left for dinner and Frizz replaced her with a guy named Mistictaru, a WHM/BLM. I leveled twice before I had to dash off for Dynamis. So I'm currently sitting at level 28 with a buffer.
4-25-10 1
4-25-10 2

So I make my way to Bastok where dynamis is taking place. I dropped the party I was in, in order to seek for a dyna party. Boy did I get yelled at by Frizzy. He was going to use the nexus cape to get to Bastok. He should've told me that before I disbanded. I am not a mind reader, lol. The ls was also looking for a new sackholder because one of the sacks no longer attends. I threw my name in if they needed. So did Kirin and 3 others. So the leaders will choose sometime this week. My feelings will not be hurt if I don't become a sack. I'm am just willing to help if needed. One thing though, I do try to make dynamis if I can't play at all for the week.

So we got a lot of new people in shell tonight. For a while they were placing me in the BLM party (so much fun). Then I ended up in a party with another RDM (Chayst) and a WHM. Chayst was in charge of Phalanx 2
for party and refreshing the BLU. I was in charge of Haste for the party and refreshing the WHM. We both silenced the scorpions. So this run was going sprectacularly until we got to 2nd to last NM before the Mega Boss. Died I believe 4 times. However this run I got my first piece of relic for SMN. I only spent 5 points for them. They are the gloves. More motivation for me to get SMN up and get RDM to 75.

I really should concentrate on my Maat fight!!!!


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