Welcome To My Mog House

This is my diary of my adventures in Vana'diel. This diary will change as my adventures changes. Sit back, read and enjoy.

All comments, tips and advice will be appreciated


Monday, March 8, 2010

OMG!!!! Siren World Recovery (Mar. 8)

We were experiencing the following technical difficulties with the Siren world, but we are happy to announce that these issues have been addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

[Date & Time]
Mar. 8, 2010 from 4:53 to 5:36 (PST)

[Issue Details]
Sometimes unable to access the following area of Siren world.

Issue with server machines

[Affected Areas]
- Everbloom Hollow

PlayOnline Online Community Relations
ocr@us.playonline.com )

This never happened on Siren since I've been getting these emails, a year ago!!!!!

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