Welcome To My Mog House

This is my diary of my adventures in Vana'diel. This diary will change as my adventures changes. Sit back, read and enjoy.

All comments, tips and advice will be appreciated


Friday, November 26, 2010

Damn It! Almost Had Him!!!!

So after a long time away from the game, the first thing I do when I get on, fight Maat. I was relaxed and ready. So I run off to see the old man. Everything was working like clockwork. He was staying slept. I even slept his chainspell. I got him down below 50%. Slept him, silenced him and then I put on my Chainspell. Of course he woke up and bind wore off.Then silence did, but I was still nuking him. He had put on a strong poison. So I tried sleeping him but he kept interrupting. So it was down to who was gonna die first! It was me due to poison. I couldn't take an anecdote nor cast a spell. But he was so close to death. I felt cheated. I so felt today was the day. So I was trying to get another testimony in Delkfutt Tower. Friend newly named Aukai (can't tell you his previous name because he'd like to play drama free) came to help. I grabbed a pot. We were going okay until he aggro'd 2 gigas. So in the end I was fighting pot alone and I died. I could've taken the pot if I didn't run out of MP. I had to HP and return. I put on RR and went to raise Aukai. I decided to take on the bats cause I have before. I slept the additional bat. Don't know what's going on but the bats were kicking my ass. They never kick my ass. I died of course. Aukai finished them off. i rested up and pulled another pot. I got the testimony. Thank goodness I didn't have to stay there all day. Then I joined Aukai in Cape Terrigan to do some FOV. I like doing this. I get skill ups and exp. I definitely need the exp before I head to another dynamis. I didn't get to finish page with him. My boyfriend came home and started to distract me, lol.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brass Ribbons & Robes

I haven't played much in past few weeks. But amazing things happened when I did get on. On way back from a wedding out of state, my brother texted me that Windurst owned the Gustaberg OP. That was amazing.

We got in late Sunday night anyway so I didn't get on. I did get on Monday evening. Getting to Bastok area is not so easy. I ended up OP'ing to the Dunes, walk thru Konschtat to the Dem-Crag and then chocobo to the OP. Nothing else was going on so I just logged off. Darksday was not coming anytime soon.

The next time on, I parteid with Kirinkage (WAR) and Kakida (DRK). I was SMN. I was able to level to 44 in the party. We did 2 FOV pages before I had to go. Beaucedine is a crazy place to level. You are a sitting duck no matter where you are. At least this run we never died.

Today is Sunday and it's dynamis. We are doing Beaucedine. So I get on a bit early to station myself at zone. I checked conquest to see who owned the OP. Holy Shit!!! Windurst owned Ronfaure!!! So I had to get it. This would make doing Campaign easier. So I used my scroll of Retrace toget to San d [S]. I went to guy for evaluation in the city because I wouldn't be able to obtain another scroll. Holy Shit!! I got a new Ribbon. I am now a Brass Ribbon!! I guess the day of Campaigning my bro and I did helped a great deal. I grabbed my scroll and ran off to get my OP. After obtaining it, I went to park myself at Dyna zone. I ended up in a dd party. The run went well. Died only once. I got SMN relic robe too. RDM never dropped. That sucked. It was fun towards the end when everyone was gettong charmed and chasing people around. It was a good time though.

Well onto to my next adventure. Sorry no pics. I've been having difficulty taking screenshots from my laptop in Windowed mode.